Verified Exhibition Record for mid pacific atlanta

Name: mid pacific atlanta

Artist: Not Specified

Mint Date: Not Specified

Token Type: ERC721

Record: Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare, Colonna Contemporary, Wayne PA (QmS8iEfCbHqni8CronVMur1WB8nMnw2HQ1SJdiK56RJJNM)

Exhibition Name: Building a Happier Home: A Solo Exhibition by Bhare

Exhibition Dates: 1/12/2024 - 1/29/2024

Exhibition Details:

Home is where the heart is, I guess.” rings quietly through the profound artistic journey of Bhare, whose narrative unfolds through a muted collection of contemplative artworks. Drawn from a childhood marked by the absence of home to the family name, the artist's odyssey weaves through small apartments and townhomes, with each dwelling leaving its indelible mark on the intricate tapestry of their identity. The quest for a space to call their own becomes a poignant refrain, echoing throughout the exhibition. Against the backdrop of this search for permanence, the artist explores the learned desire to create a home that mirrors personal identity and fosters holistic well-being. "Building a Happier Home" becomes a visual symphony of color and form, each brushstroke carrying the weight of familial expectations and personal aspirations. In this exhibition, viewers are invited to traverse the emotional landscape of the artist's personal journals, shaped by the relentless pursuit of a dream t

Owner Wallet: 0x4de31ffa366271f90a6da19130d7ae8ba2541437

Exhibition Wallet: 0x6559b24c8c573771aa2a210add88bdd85790bb93

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